Tech News Roundup for June 15, 2020
Weekends usually don’t produce a ton of interesting news, but there have been a few things I’ve found interesting in the last few days.
Canadians Seem to Have a Higher Amount of Trust in the Internet and Cellular Providers
Interesting tidbit here that Canadians seem to have a higher opinion of our main Internet and cellular providers amid the measures they have taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Lego Mindstorms Robots
Lego announced new Mindstorms sets for the first time in 7 years. These are lego kits that have moving parts and motors, and include access to basic programming languages. They are designed as an intro to STEM, and are a lot of fun to play around with. A programming course I took in college had us degisn and build a lego robot that could find its way out of a classroom full of desks. I don’t love programming but that remains one of the more fun memories I have of classes I took in college.
Star Wars Squadrons Announced
EA has announced a new Star Wars game coming in October. Star Wars: Squadrons is a star wars fighter game in the vein of the 90’s classics X-Wing and Tie Fighter. I can only hope it’s almost as good. I wait with bated breath for the October 2nd release date.
Xbox Series X? Playstation 5? Bring on the KFConsole
Lastly, a bit of fun. I eagerly await our KFC gaming future. The Chicken Chamber has me interested.