Tech News Roundup for August 17, 2021

August is supposed to be the quiet time of the year. Not so much right now with several good stories left on the cutting room floor to leave room for more Apple device scanning news, Bell and Rogers winning a lawsuit, Mastercard dropping the magnetic stripe, and more of the stories I’ve found interesting over the last few days.

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Tech News Roundup for July 15, 2021

So… There’s been a lot of technology news I’ve found really interesting over the last couple days, to the point that several things got cut so this didn’t become 3000 words. Summer usually isn’t this busy but here we are, with some of the most interesting things to me over the last couple days.

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Tech News Roundup for June 22, 2021

Amazon Prime Day happened in the US this week, which made it an absolute nightmare to weed out endless “news” posts from tech websites about timed deals. As a reminder, Amazon Prime Day is officially delayed in Canada due to the pandemic, and we should see Prime Day in this country later this year.

Here are a few stories I’ve found interesting over the last couple days that aren’t related to Prime Day in the US.

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